About us

About Nedaa

The message of Nedaa Foundation is the importance of working to change the social reality in its various forms, in dealing with issues of sexual exploitation of children, in terms of social outlook and legal procedures in the Arab countries, and in providing the best methods of counseling and treatment, to protect the victims of this crime.

The basic vision of the Foundation stems from the necessity of working to spread social awareness of the issues of sexual exploitation of children, since this phenomenon socially unacceptable , and to follow all legitimate and scientific legal methods to achieve our goals, in accordance with the highest standards of confidentiality, and to take the necessary measures to protect the information provided by the victims .

The tasks of Nedaa Foundation are summarized in working on the adopted case, according to several centers: awareness and enlightenment, counseling and treatment, training and education, legal advice, through a specialized team of members, volunteers and collaborators.
The Membership of Nedaa
The membership in the Nedaa institution is determined, according to the public interest and the nature of its work, as follows:
- Full Membership: These are the founders, those who joined after the establishment of the institution, and those who meet the following criteria: minimum age (years) of the member 20 years, acceptance by paying the annual subscription, attendance of regular meetings, actual contribution to the activity and work of the institution, according to the mechanisms specified in its basic system, thus membership is available for (doctors, psychologists, lawyers, journalists, technicians in marketing and promotion), and members assume full membership, all administrative and legal responsibility for the institution.
- Associate Membership: The institution accepts the presence of cooperative members, referred to as “associates”, and these are able to provide partial, temporary services to the institution, according to the specialties mentioned in the conditions of full membership, and the associate member is not obliged to attend the regular meetings of the institution, and does not assume any administrative responsibility, while bearing legal responsibility related to the work they perform.
- Honorary Membership: The institution may grant honorary membership to those who have contributed in promoting its work, through their volunteer work or financial donations that support the activities of the institution.
The members communicate with the management of the organization through its email, its accounts on social media sites, and through direct messages on the same website.
- The organization is managed by a board of directors consisting of founding members, tasks are distributed according to specializations, and a permanent committee is in charge of reviewing disputes, monitoring the implementation of work mechanisms, and intervening when necessary, as stated in the internal system of the organization.
- The term of the board of directors of the organization is five years, which is renewed by agreement or a new board of directors is elected.
- The board of directors meets regularly every three months to review its administrative and financial affairs, while all members meet once a year.
- The board of directors has the power to expel any member who does not comply with the work mechanisms stated above or does not comply with the conditions of membership that they undertake when they join the organization, and they will be officially informed of their expulsion from the organization via the official email of the organization.
Work procedures
The work at the Nidaa organization is carried out according to specific procedures, agreed upon by members with various qualifications. These procedures are as follows:
- As the institution is non-profit and provides its services to all sectors of the community, it responds to all requests for free guidance, treatment and legal advice for individual cases, and the field of training and workshops for institutions, while financial coverage for free cases is provided through other financial resources of the institution, which are mainly obtained from the remunerated activities and services of members.
- The institution has a specific database that includes the names of doctors and psychological specialists, lawyers, media institutions, and those who will be dealt with during the provision of its services and activities.
- The institution accepts building partnerships with media institutions, active parties in the community, and international institutions related to its field of work, after agreement among members, and the logos of partner institutions are added to the official website of the institution on the Internet, and a brief about them and the nature of the partnership with them.
- The institution accepts sponsorship for its activities and partnerships with active economic institutions in the community, after agreement among members, and these institutions are added to its official website with a brief about them, the nature of their sponsorship, and the partnership with them.
- The institution accepts, with the agreement of its members, to publish commercial advertisements on its website on the internet, within the framework of its activities and services, and with the condition of not conflicting with its goals and values.
Financing and Financial Affairs
- The institution primarily relies on the annual subscriptions of its members, which are set at $100 per year, in addition to their other financial donations and voluntary work through their various specialties to finance its activities.
- The institution conducts fee-based, advisory and therapeutic services, training courses, and workshops that support the free services it provides in similar sectors for those unable to pay financial fees, in exchange for the services provided to them, while specialists from the members receive remuneration for their work, as appropriate.
- The institution accepts legally permissible donations and financial contributions from clear and announced sources, without accepting any conditions that affect the reputation of the institution or affect its working mechanisms and nature, to finance the free services it provides, as well as the awareness and education campaigns it conducts.
- The institution accepts partnerships and sponsorship for its activities from well-known economic institutions.
- The institution’s fiscal year begins with the date of its license acquisition and the opening of an international bank account in its legal name.